Old Weird Britainさんのプロフィール画像

Old Weird Britainさんのイラストまとめ

Tasty morsels of folklore from our Ancient Isles. 4pm daily, just in time for tea. Curated by harpist, composer, filmmaker, tree-grower, Elizabeth-Jane Baldry

フォロー数:1009 フォロワー数:28256

Sleeping in moonlight causes blindness.

Image: Hans Rombouts

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The valiant wren braved Hell to bring fire to mankind. Returning ablaze, the robin saved him, thereby gaining his red breast.

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If a cockerel crows at midnight, it signifies that the angel of death is flying over your house.

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In the whistle was invented by a woman, Brigit, goddess of poetry, of healing, of smith's work.

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Folklore celebrated on 1981 stamp! There was quite a revival in the 1980s. Seeing this made me nostalgic.

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Tom Thumb plays a most 'excellent bagpipe made of a wren's quill and the skin of a Greenland louse.'

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Merrie England! Where shall we search to discover its secret? It is a tapestried thing of colour and gaiety.

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1876: seen in the Isle of Man described as"girls with scaly fishlike hands and blue dresses."

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How to ensure you'll never be short of friends: plant in your garden. (image: Ingeborg Lievonen)

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Hi Joshua - the picture is "Funeral of the Fairies" by Czech artist, Maximilian Pirner (1854-1924) Love, EJ xx

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