

Only information about this area ( #Roma - Rione Regola - Ponte - Parione - Monti) with many exceptions - No DMs please

フォロー数:8108 フォロワー数:9304

Suggestions for return to MADAGASCAR

LIBERTALIA is a legendary anarchist colony inspired by a socialist economy founded by pirates at the end of 16th in Madagascar

🎥AGAINST ALL FLAGS - Flynn vs A. Quinn

🖌️W. Gilkerson 'Isle St. Marie '

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Suggestions for return to travel in

THE MAGIC FLUTE by W. Amadeus MOZART, set in an imaginary ancient Egypt
🎼"Pa-Pa-Gena!Pa-Pa-Geno!" (Salzburg Festival, 2006)

🖌️ Karl Friedrich Schinkel ‘Set design for 'The Magic Flute' 1816

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THXforRT/49 5/5 - ACHILLE PINELLI (1809/41 son of BARTOLOMEO and known for reproductions of Roman churches) TO

S. Bartolomeo

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THXforRT/49 4/5 - ACHILLE PINELLI (1809/41 son of BARTOLOMEO and known for reproductions of Roman churches) TO


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Suggestions for return….#ARMENIA and
... In the clear sky, a snowy mountain with two peaks stood. I looked greedily at the biblical mountain, I saw the ark docking at its top....and the crow and dove flying away...

✒️Puškin, Trip to Arzrum
🖌️Aivazovsky, ARARAT, 1882

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‘Ruth Schloss’ - ‘Child, Doll, Wagon’, 1950 c

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- PALAZZO BESTA in , one of the most important Renaissance houses in Lombardy - De Barberis's painting a scene of the ORLANDO FURIOSO in which Astolfo is on a wagon headed for the Moon - ph. web 3/4

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Suggestions for return to travel in
THE FIREBIRD by Igor STRAVINSKY of 1910, original choreography by M. Fokine, scenes by A.Golovin, costumes by L. BAKST and one of the first productions of RUSSIAN BALLET - VIDEO:
Léon Bakst (1866-1924)

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Suggestions/Movies for return to travel at SEA AROUND THE WORLD - MOBY DICK is a 1956 American film directed by J. HUSTON, based on the novel by HERMAN MELVILLE.
Moby Dick (1956): GREGORY PECK's best scene :
‘J. M. W. TURNER’ The Shipwreck, 1805

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