

Only information about this area ( #Roma - Rione Regola - Ponte - Parione - Monti) with many exceptions - No DMs please

フォロー数:8166 フォロワー数:9393

‘If I too can work for three years in this region, in silence, always learning and observing, then I will not come back without having anything to say about how much it is actually worth listening to' (Van Gogh on his time in Borinage)
"Women carrying sacks of coal" (1882)

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THXforRT/35a - TRANSAVANGUARDIA/GRAND TX for RT to - ‘F. CLEMENTE’ - Mappa di ciò che è senza sforzo (1978)

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THXforRT/33b B. (Rome 1781-1835) TX for RT to
Bartolomeo Pinelli - Illustrations ‘Eneidi di Virgilio’

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THXforRT/32c- In 2012 TRANSAVANGUARDIA/GRAND TOUR re-proposed the artistic movement of 1979 So TX for

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THXforRT/32b - In 2012 TRANSAVANGUARDIA/GRAND TOUR re-proposed the artistic movement of 1979 So TX for ‘FRANCESCO CLEMENTE’

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THXforRT/32a - In 2012 TRANSAVANGUARDIA/GRAND TOUR re-proposed the artistic movement of 1979 So TX for

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Tx mr. Daniel,
“Maja Wrońska”, Sunset Rome

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Decorated facades /4 - Palazzo Massimo Istoriato - piazza dei Massimi 1 - 15th century - Frescoes of Daniele da Volterra (1509-1566) Italian painter, sculptor and plasterer
The Prophet Elijah, 1560 c. 3/3

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