

@onychophorum 's art account. oops | ENG + 翻訳機 | 19, it/its, white | please read my pinned tweet | 固定ツイートを読んでみてください

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:108


10 103

hi i drew this a few days ago and i wasnt originally going to post it but scouring all of twitter and not finding anything remotely similar spurred me forward

⚠️ blood + emeto / 血 + ゲロ ?? (言葉は難しい)

5 22

happy birthday to me :) im 16 now

3 28

tux paintが楽しい

2 11

28: item || アイテム

2 10

i dont know why i drew this and im scared

1 5

noticed a mistake in this drawing two weeks after posting it... >_< / 間違いに気付いたのは2週間後...

1 2