

@onychophorum 's art account. oops | ENG + 翻訳機 | 19, it/its, white | please read my pinned tweet | 固定ツイートを読んでみてください

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:108

thank youuuu for the tag! / タグをありがとうぅぅぅぅぅ
i don't want to post the same art again, so here's some drawings of my characters! / また同じ絵を投稿するのは嫌なので、僕のキャラの絵を投稿します !
...are you not supposed to qrt
oh well who cares https://t.co/bLmBSfYKuN

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i got mad about not being able to draw chairs, so i tried to draw some... ^_^;;
椅子が描けないことに腹が立ったので、いくつか描いてみました... ^_^;;

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dangerously sparkly fish! watch out

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redraws :)
再描画 :)

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fusa no cloak o_O

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jams can have little a experiment with art

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wanted to draw him at least once before this inevitably all goes to shit ^_^;; i hope hes ok.

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ah shit ah fuck i gotta respect women *sprints directly into traffic*

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