

“Sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something” - JAKE THE DOG
3D models here
some nsfw so 18+

フォロー数:217 フォロワー数:662

I haven't sculpted in a long while so i decided to really quickly take abit of a throw back to my fursona model.
i got allot better at faces so i removed that. and stole the tail from a different model of mine.
fixed the hands and redid the head. its still a wip but i like it.

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almost done if u ask me.
mainly got unity stuff left and i do hate it. but soon xD

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abit of a more finalized texture render.

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trying out modeled eyebrows. id love opinions

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in unity and with some gestures done. i do like how even whiteout the eyebrow texture it feels vary emotional =P

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abit more work today on clothing wasent in the mood for anything more really xD
slow day what can u do..

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an update before i go to bed =P
reused an old hoodie i made im gonna give it more of a fixer upper also made fingerless gloves for it xD
im thinking about making a beanie as well donnu why i think it be cute.

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and closed mouth

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first wip of a mouth inside. i like it so far. went for a more fetal look by looking at wolf skulls xD

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