Ive been sitting at work today on my laptop trying to design hair. that will be 1 of my biggest weak points if u ask me but i try anyways to improve by looking at references and such
i know the technical side of things vary well.
its the design i seem to suffer at
making a basic texture for testing and decided to go with the basic brown i always go with. it fits it well if u ask me.
this time around i wna make 2 alts for the fur. 1 with actual fur normals and 1 without. allot of people seem to like it more so why not give the opition.
weight paint almost done and it already looks so cute with the mouth closed. im really happy about it.
ill get the high poly baked in after im done with weight paint and uv
AHHHHHH had time at work so...did more. i might be done by tomorrow night.
cant believe it...
tail is already done its just not symmetrical so its is own retopo ill combine later
been working abit more on the ver2 drakov or whatever i called it. decided to use the crakov tail cus i got it done and i actully really like how it came out saving me some time ill most likly tweak it abit but still i like the looks o far
Just abit of work on a muscled wicker for a client
it has a made from scratch arms and torso connected to the original legs for now
we will actually remake the legs as well soon.
got allot of issues i wna fix before i go in to that.
just showing off what ive been doing lately.