ive been super tired lately got allot of my dayjob hitting at once (money is super good so i cant complain honestly)
was able to get myself to retopo the new feet i made and im super happy with it!
hopefully ill get some time this week to get back to work on stuff.
opinions needed!
this is a paw practice.
been trying to improve on it cus i had a few comms latley who wanted detailed paws so i wanted to try working on detail more. ended up doing it on the drakov 2.0
fingers will be closer on tinished ver this is spread so i can retopo it.
working on an animation or atleast best i can do.
this is a frame from the animaition.
and can i just say im super proud of how expressive the crakov came out xD
wings uved and textured and im happy with them ended up making it into a saprate substance file in case people will want to use the wings on a saparate project or somthing
i think it fits the little guy preety well.