

St Mary's Kilburn & St James' West Hampstead in partnership with @SherriffCentre & @opentablelondon Celebrating God's love for all 🏳️‍🌈

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Link to this week’s pew sheet: Trinity 2 & Refugee Sunday - Jesus calls us to follow him with urgency. So we pray that we may stand in solidarity with all the oppressed of the world, esp. the displaced, opening our nations & homes to them & showing 1/2 https://t.co/6BHxZSGAvm

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May 23: Feast of Pentecost when we relive the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit as rushing wind & tongues of fire on Jesus’ fearful & grieving followers. The Spirit fills them with faith & confidence that Jesus is still with them. This allows them to literally come out 1/3

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May 2 : Easter 5 & we hear of the baptism Ethiopian eunuch, the love that casts out fear & that we are intimately grafted into Christ as branches to a vine. So we pray that the life of Christ the vine whose love is broad, inclusive & boundary breaking may flow through us so 1/2

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Wishing Jewish friends & neighbours in a happy & joyous Passover. May all people come to the freedom that God calls & leads us to & may we with Miriam dance with joy at God’s deliverance.

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March 14: Lent 4 & Mothering Sunday. Our 1st reading gives us 3 different types of mothering: Moses’ birth mother is forced to abandon him in order to keep safe. Pharoh’s daughter becomes his adoptive mother. Her nurse is the one that does his hands on care. So we bring into 1/2

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March 7: Lent 3 & we hear the Ten Commandments present us with teaching for full human flourishing in community; Paul calling us to heal social divisions; & Jesus entering our sacred buildings to drive out our forms of exploitation & open our communities up to those whom God 1/3

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Mar 3: the Church remembers St. Katharine Drexel. Born into wealth in Philadelphia she was moved by the suffering of indigenous peoples & established schools & funding food & clothing. When only 27 she founded a religious community to work among Native American & African- 1/2

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Happy which has a focus March 8 the theme ‘Choose to Challenge’. Celebrating the lives & ministry of the wonderfully diverse women in our parish our bishop our curate & Mother Denise our associate priest.

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Feb 21: Lent 1 is all about water!! As we begin Lent we encounter Jesus start his own ministry in Mark’s gospel by receiving baptism from John; we hear in Genesis how God ‘restarts’ creation in the cleansing flood & makes a covenant with Noah & all living things whose sign is 1/3

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Feb 14: Sunday before Lent & & St Valentine’s Day!! As we read of Jesus being transfigured before 3 of his disciples & Moses & Elijah appearing with him, we turn with him rewards Lent & journey with him to the Cross where the extent & depth of God’s 1/3

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