

An idiosyncratic history beginning in 1812 and ending in 1822. Be good to each other, it can always get worse.

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We have been burning the bodies of Shelley and Williams on the sea-shore, to render them fit for removal and regular interment.

— Lord Byron, August 27 1822.

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Lord Byron is about five feet nine or ten inches high, rather stoutly built, sharp expressive eyes (not very large but projecting) between the colour of light blue and grey—

— Charles Heyer Bell, May 21 1822.

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‘Nothing of us but what must suffer a sea-change.’

— Mary Shelley, February 14 1822.

Mary quotes a line from The Tempest.

Trelawny had called with news of building Shelley’s new boat, saying, “Oh! we must all embark, all live aboard; we will all ‘suffer a sea-change.”

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The time that was, is, and will be, presses upon you, and, standing the centre of a moving circle, you “slide giddily as the world reels.”

— Mary Shelley, February 7 1822.

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In all governments there is an eternal struggle in every individual to rise above somebody or other or to depress somebody or other who is above him to his own level or to a degree below him.

— John Adams, December 27 1821.

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Read [Scott’s] “Ivanhoe.”

— Mary Shelley, December 12 1821.

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Will not my life (it is egotism but you know this is true of all men who have had a name even if they survive it) be given in a false and unfair point of view by others?

— Lord Byron, November 23 1821.

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I can drink, and bear a good deal of wine (as you may recollect in England); but it don’t exhilarate—it makes me savage and suspicious, and even quarrelsome.

Laudanum has a similar effect; but I can take much of it without any effect at all.

— Lord Byron, October 6 1821.

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Address to me at Pisa, whither I am going, to join the exiles—a pretty numerous body at present.

— Lord Byron, September 27 1821.

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A moonlight walk.

— Mary Shelley, September 10 1821.

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