

An idiosyncratic history beginning in 1812 and ending in 1822. Be good to each other, it can always get worse.

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Walk to the sea.

— Mary Shelley, June 22 1820.

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Read “Caleb Williams.”

— Mary Shelley, June 19 1820.

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Begin [ Rousseau’s ] “Julie.”

— Mary Shelley, January 30 1820.

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Cam Hobhouse is arrested on a warrant issued by the Speaker after he was found guilty of breach of privilege by the House of Commons.

He is not a member of parliament.

He was not provided with an opportunity to defend himself.

He is jailed in Newgate.

— December 14 1819.

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Lord Byron took me home in his gondola at two o'clock, a beautiful moonlight, and the reflection of the palaces in the water, and the stillness and grandeur of the whole scene . . . gave a nobler idea of Venice than I had yet had.

— Thomas Moore, October 11 1819.

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Many thanks for your attention in sending the papers which contain the terrible and important news of Manchester.

— Percy Shelley, September 9 1819.

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I want a hero: an uncommon want,
When every year and month sends forth a new one,
Till, after cloying the gazettes with cant,
The age discovers he is not the true one

— DON JUAN, Lord Byron July 15 1819.

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John Keats begins to write his poem ‘Lamia’.

— July 2 1819.

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I want besides a Bulldog – a terrier – and two Newfoundland dogs –

— Lord Byron, May 25 1819.

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You sometimes tell me that I have been your first real love — and I assure you that you shall be my last Passion.

— Lord Byron, April 22 1819.

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