

High conviction with size | @0xOutsiders Make Your Own Cabal

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My best by pull. Muffet Mouth. I'd say its a long term keeper 😍.

For the first time in a long time had fun with NFTs and this reveal. They all make me smile or laugh.

4 21

Back in the club. I had to go away for a bit, but back in with a banger (imo). Updated header coming!

Where's my cool cat fam at? Missed my frens.

4 193

One of the best derivatives with unique traits launched last night in . Aped hard as the art actually made me feel something for the first time in awhile.... happiness & fun! Organic and not a phunk cash grab. Support real projects imo. Spread ♥️

41 157

Grabbed another yesterday bringing my total to 15. LFG. Love the community and so bullish on this project (obviously hah). Weed shirt seemed like a fun add at floor.

9 98

Lets go army. So pumped to join. I aped hard and so comfortable doing it knowing some of the folks behind the project. Big things to come from this community imo.

18 69

Joined the fam last night in a big way. The welcome was amazing ♥️🔥🚀. Being called king over and over feels good for some reason hah.

Sitting on a pack of 12. I said I would stop at 10 but then realized these was a Hawaiian shirt trait. So aped further. LFG

49 198

Joined the a little over a week ago. Also, pushed my cat total back up over 5 to regain my kingpin status.

Can my two favorite communities come together and push me over 1k followers this weekend ♥️?

Love you both so much. Spread love.

18 111

Officially a member! Smile says it all.

When this ape made it near the floor I took it as a sign. Hawaiian shirts are kinda my thing and how I got my start with in the . Excited to have a new family to interact with. Spread ♥️.

24 403

Looks rare, thanks ! Great job, excited to see what is next with your

5 57