Philographikon since 1974さんのプロフィール画像

Philographikon since 1974さんのイラストまとめ

Specializing in antique maps and prints. Our old (since 1996), main and still valid website: We subscribe to red wine & dark chocolate

フォロー数:3633 フォロワー数:1584

Monument for the Wars of Liberation by Schinkel in
"Entwurf für einen öffentlichen Brunnen als Denkmal der Ereignisse in den Jahren 1813, 1814, 1815"

Kupferradierung von Ferdinand Berger nach Entwurf und Zeichnung von Karl Friedrich Schinkel

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The art of

By order of Napoleon I the Arts and Trades in Egypt were accurately
designed and engraved between 1802 and 1829. These four etchings were actually published on one sheet.

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Atlas Homannius Mathematico Historice delineatus"
Title page of the Atlas by Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724)
Copper etching heightened with gum arabicum
The title cartouche held by two winged putti. Below title Helios (Sol) with aureola in his chariot…
Nuremberg, dated 1762

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1723 Map of the Ukraine in the extensions of mid 18th century, and neighboring geographical regions of countries. Map of the Black Sea and neighboring shores. Nowadays the Ukraine has much larger extensions, especially westward.
Publisher: Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724)

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Marine Life
Beautiful, decorative Shells!
Copper etching by Vangelisty after DE Favanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in Paris.

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"Vipera Fusca Arum"

Mark Catesby
Mark Catesby, ( 1682 - 1749 ) was born in England. His first extended journey to the Southeast of the United States of North America took place between 1712 and 1719.

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"Vipera Ferro Di Lancia - Vipera lanceolata" 

Here is a rare and beautiful lithograph from the "Atlante Zoologico Popolare" published in Naples (1863) by Giovanni Boschi. The lithograph was made by Raimondo Petraroja.

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"Das brasilianische Ex-Kaiserpaar" (The Brazilian Imperial couple AFTER abdication)

Wood engraving. Published in a German publication. 1889

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"Histoire Naturelle, Fig. 1. La Grenouille Mugissante
Fig.2. Le Crapaud Pipa"
Artist: Barath
Work: "Histoire Naturelle"
Plate Nr. XXVI
Published: Paris. Ca. 1780

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