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The whiny face boy It's a work of pair of The sulky face girl. Pink color sweet pea' flower language that boy is biting is “Sensitive".

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べそっこくん むくれっこちゃんの対の作品。くわえてるピンクのスイトピーの花言葉は「繊細」#イラスト好きな人と繋がりたい

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The sulky face girl.Biting the little finger is her habit when she is irritated.

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むくれっこ ちゃん。小指を噛むのはイライラしているときのクセ。

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You know, the cloak coat is cute, but it's not warm.

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Already, Christmas season has came. But, we still put ourselves in serious situation.Thus, also this year's Christmas illustration became the work seeking hope. Wishing illuminating even a little light of comfort in someone's heart.

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今年ももう師走。でも未だ厳しい状況に身を置く私たち そのため今年のクリスマスイラストも希望を求める作品となりました。誰かのこころに小さくとも安らぎのひかりが灯ることを祈って

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I made the time that I face to drawing. I should call it as getting in zone, I felt senses that my brain was in full gear and I couldn't stop to move the pencil the first time in a long time. After all, it is so fun drawing illustrations!

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