


フォロー数:62 フォロワー数:27

Not Dolce & Gabbana 's perfume, but bra. It's little bit cheep looking. That is why its Kawaii. ❤︎

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ドルチェ&ガッバーナの香水…じゃなくて、パイナップル ブラ。ちょぴりチープな感じが、すごくかわいい❤︎

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I want to draw the hot pants in the summer! No, I draw it all year. lol I have draw for the first time for a while. I love to draw, after all!

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夏になると、ホットパンツ描きたくなっちゃう。いや、私、1年中描いてるな。笑。 久しぶりの落書き。やっぱり楽しい!

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Happy belated Easter! Kawaii alone is bored. My tomboy shouts, I also love strong & cool, like ARALE! Come on, my tomboy! Bring new me!

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遅ればせながら ハッピーイースター! かわいいだけじゃつまらない 眼鏡のあの子のように「つおい」と「かっくいい」も欲しい! と私の中のおてんばが叫んでる。 おてんばよ、出て来いや! 新たなワタシを携えて

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Suddenly, my environment has changed. And the whole world is in chaos by coronavirus. I feel depressed more and more. My frustration is on the verge of explosion. At such time, I gun KONAKUSO-GUN! I hope it'll makes me feel any better.

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自分自身の突然の環境変化、そして世界のコロナウイルスパニック。どんどんうっ屈し、しんどくなっていく私。イライラはもうパンク寸前!そんな時はバズーカにイライラをチャージして、こなくそ砲 発射ー!少しはなぐさめになるといいな

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My family and my dog got sick at the same time. Anxiety and attending hospitals are continuing. When I was tired and in frustrated to the max, I received advice. "Have a good rest, and take your time taking your path." As I felt saved, I imaged dram band.

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