

Artists | cinephile | ❣️ women, art, exercise & coffee.

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Happy birthday once again ❤️ everything is way more colorful since I knew you! Terus berkarya, selalu menjadi diri sendiri, find your inner peace & happiness.. Semoga selalu dikelilingi oleh orang2 baik seperti kamu juga! Have a wonderful day!

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P "tuh liat aku udah buat poster"
S "mana mo liat donk!"
P "emangnya km doank yg bs peluncuran poster, aku jg bs"
S ngakak*
P "siap ya"
S ngitung* 😭 "1.. 2.. 3.. bentar2 aku siap2 dulu nih mau foto2" TRUS DIA GAYA FOTO2! KOSPLE JADI WOTAGRAPHER 😭 KENAPASI GUMUSH BGT 😭 https://t.co/s2VNk0DZkn

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You make me do things I thought I couldn't do. My endless inspiration. You gave me crazy creativity and will power. My source of strength. My happiness. Without you I would've given up a long time ago. Thank you Irene ❤

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Beautiful yet handsome.. a killer, 주현아~💖

Photo ref by; thinkB329

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Irene is so handsome these days.. I must paint 🙄 주현아~ 😭

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