

🔞 粵/Eng | EAsian | LGBT | Mainly BL but GL/GB/BG全部OK.

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Checking out Kuaikan's new manhua announcements-

the first cover it looks FREAKING BEAUTIFUL i need to check it out

The 2nd pic the ML looks like a bully and has a cute face...i should check it out...

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wahhh 偷偷藏不住/Hidden love Season 2 visual!!!

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YOO THATS A BEAUTIFUL PANEL.... I feel the artist has really improved on the art direction over the course of the manhwa

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wahhh the colours!!! the lines are so clean and they look so good 😭

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Anyways read Hidden Love manhua for similar premise w/ absolutely GORGEOUS art and wholesome first crush feelings???

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sorry i have not posted here much, i've been going insane on my other acc for THEM

my BL romance for real nobody does double-crossdressing + arranged marriage like them with a dash of philosophical questions

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Lali I love you but Rupert hasn't appeared for 3 chapters 😫 bring him back I'm tired of my girl getting disrespected by everyone in her family

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Also these don't necessarily focus on aroace themes but them being no coupling and no romance shojo/josei are so important to me

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Shojo/josei are known for good romance but im so happy there are also great series that talk about aromantic asexual topics

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Shining Summer is a pretty interesting new BL on Tapas!

MC & his childhood friend/crush were in an accident as kids, they meet again years later & MC realises that someone else is in his friend's body

i feel im beginning to have a thing for these replacement copycat romance lol

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