

🔞 粵/Eng | EAsian | LGBT | Mainly BL but GL/GB/BG全部OK.

フォロー数:1397 フォロワー数:279

Clamp bring back your old proportions please

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Danzai no Dragnet by Fushino Michiru

Takes place in a Japan where a disease has killed off more than half the country's population. The interests of two men - Ruslan the coroner & Sanajima the police officer - align as they work to solve the mysteries of their dystopian world.

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Hi ni Nagarete Bashi ni Iku by Hidaka Shoko

This story begins at the end of the Meiji era. A long-established kimono store Mitsuboshi (Three Stars) that once showed a great bustle. The 3rd son, Torasaburou Hoshino, returned from England for the first time in 3 years. -

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Uchi no Inu ga Koneko Hiroimashita by Tatsuyama Sayuri

Veritas, a novelist's big dog, found two abandoned kittens on his walk. He couldn't leave the poor kittens alone, so he took them back to the house.-

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Kuutei Kaiko Toshi by Ishizue Kachiru

A devastating disease called Melancholia spreads across certain areas of the city, causing the unfortunate person to lose their memories of their most important person. Kazanami Toki is unaware that he has caught the incurable disease,-

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Thread of very interesting shoujo/josei i found available in Chinese but not English:

Shinitagari to Hibari by Yamanaka Hiko

The story of a rounin (masterless samurai) and an orphaned girl in the Edo period.

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So excited for Umi ga Hashiru Endroll volume 3
But im pretty sure i'll have to go back to uni by the time it's made available here....

volume 2 is so interesting please someone TL it, license it, whatever..I need more Kai immediately

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plus the composition/visual storytelling is IMPECCABLE and really makes use of the vertical scrolling webtoon format. So many beautiful art i can't put them all here but it's so well made

(only 7 chs TLed in English but i've read 35 in the original)

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lord i just read this good ass BL manhua!!!
Great art & character designs, their interactions are so dynamic/funny and the romantic development is very natural

beautiful cool crossdressing psychologist top x friendly doglike doctor bottom

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can ci pin manhua...lord the art, i need to actually continue the novel LOL

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