

comic character design, storyboarding, directing animation. Nick, WB, CN, Marvel, Disney.

フォロー数:3685 フォロワー数:29903

Sharing the worst as this site sinks into the sea of lost history.

28 272

Wow he’s a good pal.

15 217

It's cold in LA today, and even though I'm from Washington state, my body has lost all it's tolerance.

50 351

Anne with an Axe

38 304

Old art from 2020 because it was a dark time and I needed to draw something silly and stupid for me to feel alive. Things are much better now.

20 178

Overwhelming feelings realizing just how long I've been working on this comic. I've been working on the script for chapter 6 most of this week, and am pulling up old pages for reference:

5 96

Some early robot ideas from the "Tina's Friend" episode of Santiago of the Seas, boarded by

9 81