

comic character design, storyboarding, directing animation. Nick, WB, CN, Marvel, Disney.

フォロー数:3685 フォロワー数:29903

I'm going to make a sticker of my baby boy

7 110

Hello do you like this?

13 124

Sketchcards from ECCC 2015. I do miss tabling at cons a little. I remember who picked up a few of these, but so many out there just floating around.

28 255

So winter/spring/summer have came and went. I’m hoping the Harpy Gee comic will be back in October. I’m only now getting to start on pages, and I’m juggling a couple of other big projects. I’ll try to make a more formal announcement soon. As always, thank you for your patience💚

11 165

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

110 737

My brain hurts, postin’ some old fanart.

104 679

International superstar Hatsune Miku

85 560