

Building charts and data that make NFTs a bit easier to understand. Chief Chart Officer at @memeland (CCO not CC0)

フォロー数:998 フォロワー数:110905

A just sold for 19.61 ETH 💥

Sixth highest sale ever for the project.

62 233

This noise, blue beam ape sold for 210 ETH + an m1 mutant ape last night. Congrats on picking up this grail.

8 110

Devil Doodle Rainbow Puke just sold for 50 ETH. This was the highest Doodle sale in nearly 5 months.

26 261

This Pudgy Penguin sold for 50 ETH off-market.

It was the 11th highest Pudgy sale on record. Congrats the buyer.

Hat tip on the news.

8 86

The Azuki Spirit shopping spree continued - two sold yesterday for 120 ETH and 150 ETH.

Congrats to the buyers, both first time Spirit holders.

13 120

Some big sales, past 24 hours

1) Cyberbrokers dog "Helios" for 55Ξ
2) CyberKong VX sells for 50Ξ
3) RENGA 1-of-1 for 20Ξ. This had sold for 36Ξ in Oct.
4) Gold Pudgy Penguin for 15Ξ

data from

30 134

A 1-of-1 sold for 22 ETH yesterday.

I had no idea there was a unicorn goblin.

28 352

Another massive Azuki Spirit sale - this sold for 125Ξ yesterday.

It's the buyer's 34th Azuki.

8 134

This very, very, very, very lucky black cat sold for 42 WETH yesterday.

Not sure what makes the vvvv lucky black cats trade at 7x floor.

Given VeeFriends collects 10% royalties, that's 5.25 ETH of fees to OS + VeeFriends, doesn't feel like a wash trade.

7 113

Some nice apes likely going up for auction including the attached.

0 32