

Might be a dead dog walkin', but this spear of mine don't miss. (Spoilery Cú bot | Banner @Setzeri | Sporadic RP. Read the carrd, mutuals can ask for main)

フォロー数:206 フォロワー数:464

It wasn't my idea, exactly, but I truly did want to see the city my boy met his beau in. After Caster here...

(He points to an increasingly horrified-looking Cas.)

...told me all he learned about his other self, he said he wanted me to be his middleman.

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...Aye. You can.

(Thus, the puppet makes his appearance.)

Fergus, son of Ró-ech.

(He bows in apology.)

I suppose you two have reasons to suspect my boy here.

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What? Did you want me to spot ya? You two kinda tossed me in here, so I figured I'd occupy myself.

(He shows none of the fear he did yesterday, casually doing bicep curls with a kettle bell.)

Crappy hospitality aside... you gave me an out back there. What can I do for ya?

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H-Hey, why did...

[Cas stares at the translucent hand with nothing short of betrayal in his eyes, but "Fergus" speaks firmly.]

Ya wanna give Lancer a talkin' to? Start with the guy who's been lookin' around for him.

[The puppet fades, leaving Cas with a slack-jawed stare.]


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["Fergus" appears, resigned to Cas's abrupt summonings.]

Yer beau's probably fine. I wanted these two to talk it out, but I couldn't stop 'im from leaving... and I sure couldn't stop this one from runnin' off either.

[He frowns as his grip on Cas's shoulder phases through.]

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Kinda blocked by a text bubble, buuut... not bad, right?

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What, did you want me to?


How forward of ya.

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Helping put him put of his misery, maybe.

[The distant sight of Saber drowning a man in mud is one he won't soon forget. That could have been him, once.]

Forgive me if I don't believe you.

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In Erin, we kept the unexplained alive as best we could. Even when the country became Christianized... we wove our gods into text to keep them around, even after we lost.

[He gives David a mischievous smile in turn.]

Like the Tuatha de before us... we simply went underground.

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Well, my boy here didn't pick up on everything I asked about for 'im on his own.

[He greets Cas with a clap on the shoulder. Greets him properly this time, just to apologize for the harsh look he gave him earlier.]

Hah! "Puppetry" ain't giving him enough credit—

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