

Might be a dead dog walkin', but this spear of mine don't miss. (Spoilery Cú bot | Banner @Setzeri | Sporadic RP. Read the carrd, mutuals can ask for main)

フォロー数:206 フォロワー数:464

No, I figured there had to be a catch if you were around without something to stabilize your form.

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...That being said, I can't say I am fond of being discarded like that either.

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I see, you are one of culture as well...

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Bazett is a fuck up--

...I think that is quite enough, thank you.

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Full version of the banner I commissioned from !

33 127

You are so cute, holy shit. Third stage just makes me wonder how ya keep all that fluff clean, so second's the way to go in my books.

Game, free my boy right now. Please. I'm beggin' ya.

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