

Might be a dead dog walkin', but this spear of mine don't miss. (Spoilery Cú bot | Banner @Setzeri | Sporadic RP. Read the carrd, mutuals can ask for main)

フォロー数:204 フォロワー数:462

I sniffed out the truth, bud, an' that was all I needed to do.

0 0

Cas... you just posted Cringe.

You're gonna lose subscriber...

And like, your spleen.

0 4

...Man, that's cheesy.
If I were the lass I woulda bolted then an' there.

0 1

I have a blunt needle an' I ain't afraid to use it!

0 0

I have a bet goin' with someone, see, and I'd like to keep things fair an' square if I can help it.

0 0

Rho Aias until you like it.

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