


フォロー数:495 フォロワー数:1222

The movies Snyder hating, rEaL dC fAnS deserve.

6 15

Seems odd that people prefer a naive Lois Lane that never knew Clark Kent was Superman and they never had a relationship together.

10 24

I seriously hate all you people who have been bitching about the destruction in Man of Steel for the past 9 years.

7 31

You continue to successfully misinform the public.
The dude literally has a fortress OF SOLITUDE. The whole point of the Jimmy Olsen character was to give him a friend because he ISN'T a friend to all. He is isolated from humanity. Jimmy & Lois were his connection to humanity.

2 6

The imagery in Batman v Superman alone should leave "true DC Fans" drooling.

39 97