


フォロー数:83 フォロワー数:6233


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At first I didn't believe that
"This season may become the best anime season ever!"

But that may not be exaggeration.

When I saw the first episode of these works,I feel half an hour as if an instant.

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At first,I couldn't judge whether 18 issue series is short or not.
But in this article ,this writer wrote "The series only lasted a year and a half ".So volume 18 series seems to be short.

Now that I can speculate that due to unpopularity,this series was cancelled. https://t.co/O5Hzw2TeSM

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同性愛キスで知られる、Son of Kal-Elが18号で終了することに触れている記事なんですが、「わずか(only)1年半」と書いてあるということは、人気なく短期間で打ち切りと示唆したいんだろうなぁ・・。 https://t.co/O5Hzw2TeSM

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 ご冥福をお祈りします・・・。 https://t.co/VIPySbJQgF

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Illustrator Kusada Souta,known for "Kantai Collection","Onsen-musume" etc has passed away with her own will.
Her husband announced that fact with her account.
This is one of the article. https://t.co/VIPySbsNeF

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Regarding "cultural appropriation",Chinese thought seems to be similar to us Japanese.
When some people desperately claimed
"Ghost Of Tsushima is problem!",
we couldn't understand the reason at first place.
If only we feel respect to our culture,we don' t care. https://t.co/RBSO5OUzEv

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「文化を揶揄しないんなら、中国服着用とか気にしないから!」とツイート https://t.co/RBSO5OUzEv

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Apparently a new Gundam is making a success in Japan.
"Yuri Anime" is now twitter trend in Japan.Because 1st ep is excitingly Yuri.
Many people point out that it resembles the legendary Utena.The scriptwriter is the same person who made his debut as a novelist with Utena. https://t.co/PsdOG4C82M

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