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(2) Meninges: meningitis, ependymitis. (3)Extra-axial which includes extradural or subdural empyema (4) ventricles and includes ventriculitis. #BBLive
23. Uncal herniation, and ipsilateral unilateral dilated pupil. Which cranial nerve is usually affected?
Case courtesy of Dr Matt Skalski, https://t.co/R4rPTuN9gJ, rID: 45683
An illustrated introduction to brain aneurysm. Have a read of the educational article written and illustrated by Dr Ciléin Kearns @artibiotics https://t.co/n2gV6f6lbG
#MedEd #aneurysms #Neuro #SoMe #TBI #premed #Nsurg
Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy (ETV) is a specialised procedure used for certain hydrocephalus patients. Article written by @tumpastasa and illustrated @Merlin_Draws
#nsurg #MedEd #Medtwitter #neuroscience #Brainbook #SoMe
MRI is one of the key investigations used to diagnose neurological/neurosurgical pathology. This article by @chidera_ota and illustrated @ladvic details how an MRI works and what to expect. #MRI #Nsurg #SoMe #PreMed #Medicine #neuro
One of the key investigations carried out in neurology and neurosurgery is the lumbar puncture. This article by @Kiren_Parkash demonstrates the indications for the procedure and how it is performed! A very insightful article for patients & professionals
35. Our patient was taken to theatre and clipping of her aneurysm was successfully performed #bbsah
23. Over time the aneurysms weaken and can rupture. When it ruptures, the blood extravasates into the subarachnoid space. This is the space between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater. This is why we call it SAH. #bbsah art by @artibiotics
22. Aneurysms can either be saccular or fusiform in shape. Fusiform shaped aneurysms bulge out on all sides of the blood vessels. Saccular (berry) aneurysms bulge out on only one side. These are the most common type. #bbsah
17) Between the skull and the dura mater💀🧠The dura mater is the outermost layer of meninges. Meninges are the membranous covering of the brain and spinal cord. The dura is thick, tough and inextensible and lies directly underneath the bones of the skull #BBEDH