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29. When CSF passes through the foramen of Luschka this results in filling of the subarachnoid space of the cisterns and the cerebral cortex.. the level at which CSF enters the subarachnoid space is called the cerebellomedullary cistern! #BBHCP
47. Disc prolapse has a variety of causes including ageing, obesity, smoking, repetitive strain, or even certain motions e.g. twisting/ turning to lift an object. CES typically results from central disc herniation. #BBCES Image: https://t.co/KOVzx1ggLB
35. There are other methods to monitor ICP in different intracranial locations. These include an extraventricular drain (EVD) or intraparenchymal catheter. These are illustrated below ! #BBTBI
17. On further examination you notice her right pupil to be 7mm and non-reacting and her left pupil to be 3mm and reacting. What do you think is the cause? 🔦👀 #BBTBI
Another option is endovascular coiling. This involves inserting a small tube into an artery in the leg. The tube is advanced up into the artery containing the aneurysm. Coils are then released. This causes clotting of the aneurysm and prevents blood from getting into it. #BBSAH
Over time the aneurysms weaken and can rupture. When it ruptures, the blood extravasates into the subarachnoid space. This is the space between the arachanoid membrane and the pia mater. This is why we call it a SAH.
There’s been a few cases of #intracerebral #haemorrhage (ICH) presenting to the #hospital recently. Causes of ICH include hypertension, trauma, AVM or rupture of an aneurysm. In one case I #scrubbed in for an #emergency #crantiomy and the #evacuation of #clot. Image:mayo clinic
The superficial temporal (artery A) has now been clipped. A clip has just been placed distally to stop blood flow. This prevents bleeding from the artery once it’s dissected.
The picture below is of a clipped aneurysm. It is just to demonstrate what a clipped artery looks like