

Mind goblin?

run by @misplaymaker
pfp by @mochikaeru78

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:821

he was 17-21 while developing the pc98 games and probably thought nobody would notice

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the most misrepresented character in the series
KKHTA aside, its weird to think that she was really depressed and basically lobotomized herself to try and feel happy
guess it worked to some extent, but nobody talks about that part of her

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zun drew a normal looking boss character, then kept adding stuff until it became the design clusterfuck that is okuu
she has one of the most basic bitch villain plans though, "i'm strong so i'm gonna use my power for world domination"
i can respect that

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smarter cat than chen so she gets points for that
she tried stopping okuu from causing trouble, though she also attacked reimu on the way there, THREE TIMES
but if reimu wasn't ready for that, she probably wouldn't stand a chance against okuu anyway

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the watatsukis
i'm saving us both time by putting them together
honestly i'm in the camp that they're overhated, but not for the same reasons as other people
they're fucking antagonists, its okay for them to be morally questionable and OP as fuck, that's the whole point

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like komachi she grew on me after her WaHH appearance
but god damn, her design peaked with the SWR art
she's so tiny in AoCF, its like a different person

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she's got a pretty sick design but its half wasted since she shows up, isn't even relevant to the plot, then fucks off because she's got better things to do

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i like her and i like frogs
its really weird that she doesn't actually have any frog-related powers, zun said she just really likes frogs so she wears clothes themed around them

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this tiny sprite has gained too much attention and is somehow in the top 30 on the THvote popularity poll
there are cuter girls
does she even have dog ears in this sprite

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i'm surprised she's as prevalent as she is honestly
in both official and fan media she pops up a lot
and i'm not quite sure why
where the hell did tanktop nitori even come from

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