

Mind goblin?

run by @misplaymaker
pfp by @mochikaeru78

フォロー数:345 フォロワー数:780

the aki sisters
these are not real characters
they have to be the most "huh? oh right, them" touhous of all time

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moutain of faith
and scarlet weather rhapsody
and SSiB
i'm tired

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one of my favourites
in her books, she's just snarky enough to be enjoyable, and she's best friends with kosuzu so that's cool
somehow she has 0 game appearances despite appearing in a lot of books
not even a hopeless masquerade cameo, give akyuu some respect, zun

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the only one of the three i actually like unironically
a dumbass who has no idea what's going on most of the time, and is only doing it because her friends are dragging her along
but she has fun
and she likes coffee, i like coffee, i'm drinking it rn even though its night

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star sapphire
honestly the worst defined out of the 3 fairies
i'm not sure what her personality is supposed to be
she's slightly, unhinged
she bombed reimu once, that was interesting

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sunny milk
nobody likes her
nobody respects her
in, or out of canon, she is hated
she will hold a special place in my heart always
i don't even like her but i love her
i drank her

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shadow the hedgehog
i played this a lot as a kid actually, i know its a meme game but like, i still love it a lot because of how dumb and cheesy it is, some of that dialogue is just golden, though the mission structure sucks ass

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i don't know what to say about her
i think i like her more than most of the characters i don't really care about
but that's a really weird placement, she's like, the top of the middle

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i didn't care about her that much
but her appearance in wild and horned hermit was really good and improved my opinion of her
she also has giant fucking tits in lost word and that's cool

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