real mallard 💞🦆🌻🇺🇦🇺🇸さんのプロフィール画像

real mallard 💞🦆🌻🇺🇦🇺🇸さんのイラストまとめ

Mother, Star Wars nerd and all around geek, singer, artist, writer, knower of trivia and where stuff is. Like Andy Warhol, I'm from the people from nowhere. 🦆…

フォロー数:1411 フォロワー数:945

Just re-read a fan fic where Luke received the last command to kill Mara instead of her being compelled to kill him. It was great being in his head and how they deal and overcome. Have a good 💓

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Ben Skywalker, the son of Luke Skywalker & Mara Jade: He holds a special place in my heart. Many ladies begged & wrote letters to make him exist: 💞🦆

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Mara’s flaw to unlearn was her belief that she didn’t need others. Protecting herself from emotional hurt and hiding her inner pain and doubts by pushing others away. Luke saw through her defenses. He noticed what she did not what she said. 🦆

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1.Bless Tim Zahn. He was the only author that understood what many Star Wars women fans wanted after ROTJ & he wasn't afraid to write it if a bit dry. Action mixed with some romance & a sense of Luke's story being unfinished. We were denied a full reward by the OT ending.

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The first of the new, the best, the greatest, the most human hero ever to touch the heart and soul of generations. 💯💞🦆

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The thing most feared by some. 😉Any hint, even the smallest paragraph that implies love or romance in a sci fi/genre novel. Even though it’s one of the biggest drivers of some of the greatest films ever made. 👩‍🦰

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