

I believe with Jung that each of us is “modern man in search of a soul.” — James Hillman

フォロー数:8642 フォロワー数:11886

“His habitat in antiquity,like that of Faunus was always dells, grottos, water, woods, and wilds-ever villages, never the tilled and walled settlements of the civilized; cavern sanctuaries,not constructed temples. He was a shepherd’s god, a god of fishers and hunters, a wanderer”

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“Where does a thought go when it's forgotten?”
― Sigmund Freud


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“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”
― Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents


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Goya’s works from 1814 to 1819 are mostly commissioned portraits, but also include the altarpiece of Santa Justa and Santa Rufina for the Cathedral of Seville, the print series of La Tauromaquia depicting scenes from bullfighting, and probably the etchings of Los Disparates.

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The first 47 plates in the series focus on incidents from the war and show the consequences of the conflict on individual soldiers and civilians. The middle series (plates 48 to 64) record the effects of the famine that hit Madrid in 1811–12, before the city was liberated.

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Νο. 15: Disparate claro (Clear folly)

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Νο. 7: Disparate desordenado (Disordered folly)

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The series is an enigmatic album of twenty-two prints (originally eighteen; four works were added later) which is the last major series of prints by Goya, which the artist created during the last years of his life.

Νο. 4: Bobalicón (Simpleton's folly)

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Los disparates (The Follies)/ Proverbios/ Sueños (Dreams) is a series of prints in etching and aquatint, created by Francisco Goya (1815-1823), while he lived in Quinta del Sordo, on the walls of which he painted the famous Black Paintings.


Νο. 1: Feminine folly

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Using oil paints and working directly on the walls of his dining and sitting rooms, Goya created works with dark, disturbing themes.

Hombres leyendo

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