

I believe with Jung that each of us is “modern man in search of a soul.” — James Hillman

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After the Napoleonic Wars and...the changing Spanish government, Goya developed an embittered attitude toward mankind. He had acute panic, terror, fear and hysteria. He had survived 2 near-fatal illnesses,and grew increasingly anxious and impatient in fear of relapse.

Dos viejos

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Also included are Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, who took the body of Jesus down from the cross, embalmed it with myrrh and aloes, wrapped it in clean linen, and placed it in a new tomb.

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Titian, Mary and Infant Jesus with a rabbit, Paris, Louvre, c. 1530

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Happy Easter! 🐇🌱🌞

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Noli me Tangere by Antonio da Correggio, c. 1525

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The earliest crucifixion in an illuminated manuscript, from the Syriac Rabbula Gospels, 586 CE

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Judas receiving thirty pieces of silver for betraying Jesus, by János Pentelei Molnár, 1909.

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Martha preparing the meal while (in the background) Mary of Bethany sitting at Jesus' feet; painting (1566) by Joachim Beuckelaer

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The hymns on Holy Monday also recall Joseph, the son of Jacob, whose innocent suffering at the hand of his brethren and false accusation are a type (foreshadowing) of the Passion of Christ.

Joseph sold into slavery by his brothers (Konstantin Flavitsky, 1855).

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