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@JosephLabrecque @Behance @AdobeForEdu @MsClaraGalan @TanyaAvrith @JenWilliamsEdu @benforta @tacytrow @brianedtech @RyanSelvy @Chanam @andrewmcdotca You're creatively expressing your #flow my friend! I enjoyed spending Wednesday evening with you, #thankyou for your #creativeleadership @JosephLabrecque ! 🙏🌍☺️ #AEL #ACE #creativityforall #BetterTogether
@AnneLeBlanc2 @codebreakeredu @carrie_baughcum @LFTechTeach OMGoodness what a beautiful tag to wake-up to this #morning @AnneLeBlanc2, #thankYOU for #sharing your #ShiftSeed takeaways in a #sketchnote, I’m truly touched & #grateful so much resonated with you🙏🏻🌍🥰 #CodeBreaker #DoodeAndChat #BetterTogether #sketchnoting #creativityforall
@_pilarcharles @MatthewXJoseph @Educatorslab @DetersSturm @BrandonBeckEDU @StaffPodcast @NowakRo @BradleeWSkinner @AJCanle @MonteSyrie @aliceaspinall @mraspinall As a #working #superMOM, also #supporting the #world of #education, #thankYOU @_pilarcharles...for spending your day #collaborating us across timezones - loved #learning #together @codebreakeredu’s #PowerSummit! 🙏🏻🌍🥰 #CodeBreaker #3CCs #BetterTogether
@MsNyreeClark @KarlyMoura @AdriannaAstle @naomi_toland @Diana_Keeler @LadyWesner @carrie_baughcum @LFTechTeach @MsDeFriese @TechMissC @wendypeskett @mjjohnson1216 @ChristineBemis2 @SteinbrinkLaura @MsZenTech @SMoore_teach @MrsLeFave @TechWithBecky @WhatTheTrigMath @MsNyreeClark you know where it’s at girl, keep rocking, we are following your #powerful #lead! 👏🏼🥰🌹 #WomenInTech #EdTech #EDU #Leaders #BetterTogether
@VipulaSharma1 @nicolaannemason @Lindspren @NickyFair @AWardGIS1 @llawrence137 @MsLMcGregor @LouiseBanthorpe @cridleythomas @james_wellings @jascjasc @AdriannaAstle @MlleApr @KLongman974 @_LornaJones_ @Daniell88557807 @helwhel @edacostali @kducarme @DanyaFarhan Thanks for the beautiful #shoutout @VipulaSharma1 ! Always #grateful for #ThursdayPD & growing from our #connection & #collaboration #together across time zones! You rock! 🙏🏻🌍🥰 #BetterTogether
@watnunu @tinapeji_21 @wakelet @iste @ericjohnston_ @malaoshisays @kellyed121 @KirkMcCullough4 Love curating #EDU goodies in @wakelet! #Thanks for #creating this @tinapeji_21, & #sharing @watnunu! 💥🌍🥳 #adobeEDUcreative #SpringSparks #ISTEcert
@tinapeji_21 @iste @atilamrac Hey @tinapeji_21, #thanks for the #SpringSparks #photo grab, and I hope your community enjoys some of the #adobeEDUcreative updates & #resources. Definitely tag @AdobeForEdu & I to #share anything #creative your #EDU #community creates, to #celebrate you all! 🙏🌍☺️ #ISTEcert
@AlbertsonsClass @Adobe So great to meet you @AlbertsonsClass & hope you're #education #community's able to get #creative with some of today's #ISTEcert shares. Please tag @AdobeForEdu & I to #share all of the amazing #creativityforall goodies to #celebrate all! 🙏🌍☺️ #adobeEDUcreative #BetterTogether
@ifireup @codebreakeredu @mraspinall @McMenemyTweets @RBLeads @JillDuBois22 @MatthewXJoseph @DrFrankRud @DarrinMPeppard @ltitus828 @BrandonBeckEDU #Thanks @ifireup, #appreciate you! 🙏🏻🥰🌹#EDU #Leaders #EdTech #Author2be #Writer #Blogger #BetterTogether #CreativeLeadership #adobeEDUcreative #K12 #Leader #book #3CCs #SLecoHUB #CodeBreaker #BetterTogether
@WhatTheTrigMath That's really super thoughtful @WhatTheTrigMath, and right back at you dear friend! 🙏🌍☺️ #VIA20 #GEGUK #GlobalGEG #EdTech #EDU #Leaders #GoogleEDU #Admin #Leadership #CreativeLeadership #SLecoHUB #BetterTogether