Renáta Modrákováさんのプロフィール画像

Renáta Modrákováさんのイラストまとめ

Monastic history (especially nunneries), medieval manuscripts, medieval paleography and codicology, specialist in the National Library of the Czech Republic.

フォロー数:3568 フォロワー数:2980
# orst

Weekend is coming!!! It is many ways how to spend it but what about a hunting with dogs? (Petrus de Crescentiis, Ruralia commoda, earlier 15thC, Bohemia, NK VII C 8, 154v)

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Codex pictorus Mexicanus painted by the Jesuit IgnácTirsch in the middle of 18thC (NK XVI B 18, 10r)

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Just reminding our virtual exhibition "...and the word became music" with this Speciálník pražský (The Special Songbook of Prague) from middle 16thC, written in Prague (Bohemia), NK 59 R 5116, p. 298

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"What is it, to hell? Should I eat it or better let it go?"... a lion and a monster in Pontificale of Renaud du Bar, earlier 14thC, France (NK XXIII C 120, 7v)

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Codex Mexicanus (XVI B 18, 33r) and Jesuits´ missions in New world

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Just about men and monsters... (Pontificale of Renaud de Bar, earlier 14thC, France, NK XXIII C 120, 6v)

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Plans for weekend? What about a hunting? (Pontificale of Renaud de Bar, earlier 14thC, XXIII C 120, 17v)

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What a crazy Friday... (Pontificale of Renaud de Bar, earlier 14thC, NK XXIII C 120, 5r)

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Well, it is time to be a bit serious...Graduale from Bohemia, 1578 (XI.B.11a, fol. 242v, National Library of the Czech Republic)

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A devil or an angel? Who helps me today during my PhD. exam?!?... (Codex Wissegradensis, Bohemia, cca 1080, NK XIV A 13, 24v)

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