Renáta Modrákováさんのプロフィール画像

Renáta Modrákováさんのイラストまとめ

Monastic history (especially nunneries), medieval manuscripts, medieval paleography and codicology, specialist in the National Library of the Czech Republic.

フォロー数:3163 フォロワー数:2677

Traveling around Czech lands

Vogt´s description of Bohemia contains many copper engravings.
M. J. Vogt: Das Jetzt-lebende Königreich Böhmen In einer Historisch- und Geographischen Beschreibung. Franckfurt: Johann Zieger, 1712
National Library CZ B VI 97

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The Sun entered the rulership of Leo directly in a magical combination on 7/22/2022 at 10:07 p.m.
Breviary, XIII C 1a
Book of Hours from Sychrov, VI D 25
Batteux, Ch.: Einleitung in die schönen Wissenschaften
Schaller, J. F. J.: Neu verfertigtes Catastrum des Königreichs Böhmen

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Ritual - processional Teplá MS d 3 was originally part of the library of the Premonstratensian Monastery in Teplá. The manuscript was completed sometime in the last third of the 15th century. Its creator was obviously a fan of snails.

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Chronik der Erzstifts Salzburg (Chronicle of Archbishopric of Salzburg) Teplá MS c 2 was made after 1560. In addition to a number of smaller coats of arms at the beginning of chapters contains two full-page coats of arms of the Archbishopric of Salzburg.

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The illuminated manuscript Teplá MS E 59 containing Gratián's decree (Decretum Gratiani) dates from 14th century in Bologna. There is a large number of illuminations (for example, legal proceedings). It comes from Premonstratensian monastery in Teplá.

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Orationes Teplá MS D 18 from second half of the 15th century, probably from Bohemia, was originally created for the Utraquist, but at the latest in the seventeenth century it was adapted for the Catholic owner. It comes from the library of Premonstratensian Monastery in Teplá.

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Liber definitionum, constitutiones pro reformatione, novellae et privilegia ordinis Cisterciensis 0sek 68 was created in the Zbraslav Monastery in 1508. It is deposited in our collections as a depository of the library of the Cistercian monastery in Osek

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The Stammbuch of Matthias Chrysostom Günther XXIII G 1 presents personalities from 1631-1641 (Roland a Bourges, Alexander Schifer, Jean Baptiste de Taxis and many others), including interesting locations (Bourges, Bologna, Milan, Rome, Siena, Padua, Vienna, Regensburg, Prague).

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Book of Hours XXIII G 59
Codex XXIII G 59 does not have as rich figural decoration as other books of hours from our holdings, but the delicate and gentle beauty of the initials and surrounding borders stands out all the more.

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Bridget of Sweden (died July 23, 1373) was a Swedish mystic and founder of Bridgettines nuns. Her Revelationes has gained considerable popularity
Birgitta de Suecia Revelationes I I 30 + V G 20
Tomáš from Štítný Revelations of Saint Bridget XVII C 21 + XVII F 1

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