

Ren/Jo. 25+ I like tea, stationery, and the color green. I am old.

📌Many fandoms. #NasAdventures

フォロー数:5015 フォロワー数:941

Edelgards done! Tea time stickers are on the way!

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Flayn Loves Fish--a new sticker for Flayn! Something quick while I keep working on tea time stickers.

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It's National Boyfriend Day, but honestly we're like an old married couple now after nine years. We get along well since we both acknowledge we'd be fine single, without the other if we'd never met. :)

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"Hey Professor! I found out I can see farther than most people." I love Cyril and there isn't enough art of him! Day 2 for Inktober!

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Wooooo gonna attempt Inktober while working on FE stickers. Went pretty ambitious this entry, but i'll take it easy as I go. Mostly practicing with no prompts--just an entry a day. I've always wanted to do one of these posts!

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Twitter thumbnail isn't kind to me, but i'm glad I finished this even if i'm late! Happy (late) birthday Dorothea!!

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