

A Grey Haired Gamer, lover of all things 8-bit & 16-bit, Twitch Streamer, Day Dreamer, expressing myself through Video Games.

フォロー数:1114 フォロワー数:2972

Pretty harsh review from One Amiga Mag for Creatures on the this is a decent platform game, which has some cool mechanics and the ability to upgrade your weapon, was ported to almost every Console ever.

6 20

Coolspot was an game that was right in the middle of the consoles taking over, it was a good looking game and sounded great. It was a game that was made to also promote 7-UP drink.

6 21

4 Box Art Covers from 1986 - 1987

Infiltrator - 1986
Temple of Terror - 1987
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - 1987
Killed Until Dead - 1987

5 14

The Settlers on the was some what of a turning point for games, I think many games after this used the Settlers as a blueprint, its no wonder this series continues to day.

17 86

Just an incredible game on the Hunter a 3D exploration game, go around a map completing missions in multiple vehicles, shot and blow up stuff or sneak about, one of the first truly open world games, amazing.

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4 Box Art Covers from 1986 21 - 24

Rescue From Zylon - 1986
Kung-Fu Kid - 1986
West Bank - 1986
Desolator - 1986

5 12

Playing this years ago on the and not really understanding it, a Strategy game based on it was also an adventure with dialogue options, and then an over view map of Middle Earth where you moved your units

9 42

Here's a game I played on the and its a game where I hadn't a clue what was going on or what to do. Captain Blood, it looked pretty though.

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4 Box Art Covers from 1987-88

Chrono Quest= 1988
Menace= 1988
Baal = 1988
Terrorpods = 1987

14 66

A great Point & Click adventure on the was Operation Stealth from Delphine Software, it was a 007 game in the US, and If you had the cracked version it had full synthesized speech.

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