

Musing on arty stuff.

フォロー数:195 フォロワー数:358

Like Constable, made cloud studies, sometimes recorded with the time and date.

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The celebrity of Pieter the Elder overshadows the remarkable achievements and influence of his contemporary amateur - he was primarily a merchant - Cornelis van Dalem

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Sinner in the boardroom. known for his inoffensive street scenes, produced this vision of Christ and the Magdalene among contemporary politicians

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Thinking about Joseph de Bray's "In praise of pickled herring"

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Falconet's statue L'amour menacant appearing in and .

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Out for a birthday dinner last night with the better half. Not like this however, vegetarian. , you really should get a

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Great face. But a lover trying to escape his older paramour, or a thief?

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And, among the day's other news, a scion of the Royal Family goes to school. In the past this was celebrated with something more than a photocall.

Allegory of the Education of Philip III by Justus

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Am sure it's a genuine mistake, but it still amuses me that there's one copy of Andrea del Sartos' Charity called Chastity

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Three and this presented to in celebration of their 150th anniversary. Expect more donations.

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