

Kotta Kagayaki と「考えるな,見よ!」と言う東方翻訳サークルのメンバー.
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Translations are done with permission.…

フォロー数:1733 フォロワー数:7148

Side note, by Elf, I mean the classic tiny playful creatures from folklore, rather than Santa Elves or Medieval Fantasy Elves. Though they're also all 妖精(Yousei) in Japanese, since they're also all Elves in English .

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Touhou fairies have a specific naming convention, that being 2 English words one after another. Sunny Milk, Luna Child, Clownpiece, etc. However, they also have a unique trait in how their names are written that separates them from other characters with English names. Thread🧵

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10. Jyunya and Kanamai pointing out that whenever someone disguises themselves as Marisa, you can tell they're an impostor by the fact that their braid is on the wrong side. (I have to admit, I never noticed this).

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Side note: funnily enough, the prompt for this round was provided by Maron, "Sensitive Yuyuko (big)", resulting in Kii-san's drawing.
Kaztora's answer to ZUN's drawing was "Yuyuko's Large chest, should we see them from the side, or from below?" which is an anime reference.

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Since Aya is a journalist, she shows some measure of professionalism and addresses people with the fairly formal 貴方/anata, as well as adding さん/san to their names. Though, she will drop the honorifics when off the clock.

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Mokou is fairly rude, so she usually refers to people by お前/omae. There is also one instance in Antinomy of Common Flowers where she taunts Dream Reisen by calling her 鈴仙ちゃん/Reisen-chan.

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Touhou is somewhat unique in terms of how characters refer to each other. Namely, how rare it is to see someone use honorifics or even refer to each other by their last names. Everyone either use various forms or "you" or just use each other's first names with no honorifics.

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Oh, this is very interesting. So on November 5th 2022, 9:30 PM, 2 artists uploaded a 2 pictures of Alice and Marisa by a throne. Both images are very similar in composition, too similar to be a simple coincidence, though with some notable differences. So what happened here?

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Mai uses the soft masculine 僕 (boku), which helps highlights her tomboyish personality, as well as helps contrasts her against Satono, who uses watashi. (As a side note, it's common for duo/twin characters to use different pronouns to help distinguish/contrast them.

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