Richard Allenさんのプロフィール画像

Richard Allenさんのイラストまとめ

Sketching birds in the field when ever I can

フォロー数:874 フォロワー数:3646

2 Hawfinch in top of ash in wood at bottom of garden, nice breakfast treat,

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Rather bedraggled Dartford Warbler, Ferry Marsh this am, also 2 Green Sands, 3 Cetti's & 2 Reed Buntings singing and Stonechat pair in the drizzle

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Lower Lodge Peregrine on pylon perch, Buzzard overhead, Water Rail on stream, 4 Egyptian Geese over The Hythe, not a bad start to the day

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Work in progress, early morning Smew,

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Great Birdwalk this am, despite rain 3 Goosander, Greenshank and loads of Brent, Avocets, Knot, Bar-wits, also Kingfisher, Marsh H and someones first Jay, all good fun

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Another Mistley Goldeneye looking smart, just had 5 Goosander over Wivenhoe,

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Finally worked up brief sketches of Parrot Crossbills, Stanton Downham on Thurs, pleased they came back

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Preparing to roost, Magpies yesterday evening, much chattering

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Water Pipit showed nicely, a subtle little beauty, at Lakenheath on way back from excellent

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