Richard Allenさんのプロフィール画像

Richard Allenさんのイラストまとめ

Sketching birds in the field when ever I can

フォロー数:874 フォロワー数:3646

Lapwings getting wet feet at high tide on the old pontoon Wivenhoe, warm southerly breeze coming up the river

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"What a Relief" exhibition starts today delighted to be showing along side such distinguished printmakers

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Also nice to see , searched out old sketchbook from Tobago and Asa Wright trip

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Great as usual, nice to chat with JW and about past asian birding trips, revisited sketches from '98

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Didn't do loads of sketching in Scotland, but couldn't resist this Hoddie in the sun on Iona

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Who doesn't love a Puffin, new oil painting based on sketches made at South Stack a few years ago

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More "Jumbo" Peregrine sketches , 4 Buzzards over the garden this morning

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