

SW Dev, mid-level romhacker. Retrogamer(15KHz on CRT). Moe feeds my soul (love dark hair hime cuts). Mio Akiyama, Kuroneko, Umi Sonoda and Yoshiko Tsushima STAN

フォロー数:245 フォロワー数:307

Ryobi-chan should show herself as she is, with a DFC and without fake oppai (when she transforms). She's one of the few kunoichi's that are flat-chested (The other is Mirai-chan). She look very cute like that! Huggus!

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Awesome!, I also love how animu-like it is. I'd love they had released the cartridge with that kind of art back in 1986! Wish you good luck and success MrTalida. IDK if it's winter where you are, but if it is, I send all the warmth from here (Chile, South America, Summer)!

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Hi Pyro, don't be sad, If you have a problem you can PM me 😉. Have a Ruri 4 u! (Also, gruntgunner00, the first pic of Yoshiko looks uber cute! I like her as a waifu, but as old as I am I love her as a daugther. Her chuuni is so cute!)

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I have one waifu that is a Loli ( and more than that, a gothic Loli), at the animu ending she was 15 and was in 2013. Now she'd be 21 if time passes chronologically.

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IDK squeaky...I also do some noises and sing some video game songs either at work, at the bathroom and so on. The most important thing is that you stay healthy and be loved, by your friends and/or family.
Huggus! 😉

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Hi Pixx, long time no see! I included you in a lot of Ruri TL's. As for teaching Japanese although I passed 3rd year of my Japanese course I barely passed JLPT N5 which is the easiest level. (The hardest is N1) Maybe I could help you. The textbook Minna no Nihongo could help. 🤗

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As asked by Honoka_Rose I untagged her/him (don't know his/her gender identity). Honoka_Rose is loyal to his/her waifu Mirai (which is a very cute girl indeed)

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Like in Seikon no Qwaiser, I'd suck with my very mouth all of her Soma, each girl 💦

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