

SW Dev, mid-level romhacker. Retrogamer(15KHz on CRT). Moe feeds my soul (love dark hair hime cuts). Mio Akiyama, Kuroneko, Umi Sonoda and Yoshiko Tsushima STAN

フォロー数:244 フォロワー数:306

Hi Chris, morning! Now I'm here at my work waiting for instructions, at least that's what my boss told me so here I'm "playing dumb" Reading Twitter and some articles at Wikipedia. Huggus! (I hope I don't get busted)

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Hi Pyro, IKR. I slept at about 22:00 ( then woke up at about 2AM) and then the cellphone alarn woke me up), also . Currently about 8:30AM in Santiago of Chile (going In subway)

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Well MonkeyDLuffy537, I consider you as my nakama, as with . I hope you two can introduce me more nakamas to make the Mugiwara no Ichimi army! 海賊王にルフィはなる!

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Good Moe-ning...sorry, too late...Good after-moe. Have a Yoshiko! I like her too. specially her chuuni, she's so cute! Huggus!

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