

I'm only here for the fanarts.

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Ha, this was fun, holy shit, probably my favorite play I've read so far. It's so damn tongue-in-cheek. I also watched an actual stage performance on YouTube as I was reading and it was pretty great, especially Lady Bracknell.

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I think I liked Romeo and Juliet a bit more than Macbeth tbh, mostly bc every character is batshit insane and this made it more enjoyable. lmao Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, Tybalt, Lord Capulet, the Friar, they're all out of their fucking minds. 😭

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There's such a huge gap between my Top 3 characters of 2021 and everyone else that I can't be bothered to make a mosaic tbh. 🏌️‍♂️

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Only the final part left........

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One year later, my top 4 manga of 2021. 🦍

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Ended up reading Macbeth today. It's pretty much the first play I ever read post-high school lmao, and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I did listen to an audiobook (more like a dramatic reading) at the same time and that certainly helped. Makes the play more vibrant imo. 🦍

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Reading this one today, my last Cosmere entry for the year. After that, only that graphic novel and (finally) Stormlight left. 🐒

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Okay I'm finally gonna read Watchmen today. No more push backs.

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Done with Lolita, it was crazy good and a really interesting read overall. There's a major slump early during Part 2 which is a bit of a pain in the ass to get through, but it recovers after a while and it ends excellently. Nabokov's prose is simply immaculate. Great stuff.

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