Rebecca Jardinさんのプロフィール画像

Rebecca Jardinさんのイラストまとめ

ADE2019, MS Art, Apple Teacher, COETAIL Graduate, Google Educator, Artist, World traveller & International teacher. Passionate about creating & collaborating.

フォロー数:1104 フォロワー数:1043 Blog post: G6 Choose your own ARTventure 4 used Google Slides (could use Keynote too)

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Grade 7 are exploring Gelli printing with fabulous results

2 10 Have a look at our YouTube Stop Motions created from this G8 origami unit. using more details and tutorials to come soon.

0 3 have a look at our animations on YouTube, they are nearly all finished now. So thrilled with my kiddos work.

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A quick sample for my G7 ss using a student artwork. Created with shared with It’s not too late to sign up for my two day EARCOS workshop where we will play with animation, AR & digital posters plus so much more.

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Grade 6 ss used Grungetastic, Percolator, Be Funky, Megaphoto to manipulate their art, then they superimposed the images together. and masked shapes were used to create their posters

0 1 Google Slides-choose your own adventure G6 ART course. Read the blog post. Shout out to thnx for the inspiration, I love your website

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Grade 6 creativity with animation. the animations are getting better and better. Don’t know if it’s my students or because I’m learning more as we go.

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Grade 6 learning to draw portraits. Ready to put in greenscreen with so proud!

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