Akiyoshi Matsushitaさんのプロフィール画像

Akiyoshi Matsushitaさんのイラストまとめ

1996年8月8日 バートランド・ラッセルのポータルサイト開設(2万件以上のコンテンツ)+メルマガ「ラッセルの英語」発行 
PCサイト: russell-j.com/index.htm
スマホサイト: russell-j.com/index.html

フォロー数:55 フォロワー数:57

Quotes 366 with images, n.1306
Cruelty is in theory a perfectly adequate ground for divorce, but it may be interpreted so as to become absurd. When the most eminent of all film-stars was divorced by his wife for cruelty, one of the https://t.co/eVxPgc8ArE

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Quotes 366 with images, n1299
It would recognize, what in these days is more and more the case, that having a child, which was formerly a mere consequence of sexual gratification, is now a task deliberately undertaken, which,

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Quotes 366 with images, n1289
Thus the practical experts who employ scientific technique, and still more the governments and large firms which employ the practical experts, acquire a quite different temper from that of the men of science

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これまで合理的な理由のない恐怖をいっぱい持っていることは女性の魅力だと男たちは考えてきた。なぜならそのことによって実際にはなんの危険を招くこともなく男性に女性の保護者となる機会を与えたからである。 しかし

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の言葉366_画像版1246 悪いものはみな互いに関連しており、いずれの悪しきものも、他の悪しきものの原因になりやすい。特に疲労は非常にしばしば'ねたみ'の原因になる。・・・それゆえ、ねたみを減らす方法の1つは疲れを減らすことである。

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Quotes 366 with images, n1242
There can be no doubt that to close one's mind on marriage against all the approaches of love from elsewhere is to diminish receptivity and sympathy and the opportunities of valuable human contacts.

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Quotes 366 with images, n.1238
The motive of saving others from hell was urged as a justification of persecution ; for if a heretic, by misleading others, could cause them to suffer damnation, no degree of earthly torture could be

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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n.1217
Before the war one of the objections commonly urged against votes for women was that women would tend to be pacifists. During the war they gave a large-scale refutation of this charge, and the vote was given

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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n1216
Knowledge, like other good things, is difficult, but not impossible; the dogmatist forgets the difficulty, the sceptic denies the possibility. Both are mistaken, and their errors, when widespread, produce

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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n.1166
Among human beings the co-operation of the father is a great biological advantage to the offspring, especially in unsettled times and among turbulent populations, but with the grow of modern civilisation

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