R Y E N     S O L A Rさんのプロフィール画像

R Y E N S O L A Rさんのイラストまとめ

I'ma wrapper that wraps.

Inquiries: [email protected]
IG: ryensol

フォロー数:539 フォロワー数:551

It was this 1. I wanted to use it for some cover art that i am doing for Sonic, but wanted to credit the original artist before using something.

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私はまた、ソニックの大ファンであり、あなたの作品の恋人でもあります。 現在、2月にリリースするソニックの音楽に取り組んでいます。 乞うご期待!

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1. Hydrocity
2. Hidden Palace
3. Angel Island
4. Lava Reef Act II
5. Spring Yard?
6. Metropolis Zone?

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I think the graphics, gameplay, and over all aesthetics look stelluh as hell!! I'm hoping to help SEGA with their music and be a part of their music team some day

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Record of the day is, "Madvillainy." The debut album of Hip-Hop super duo, Madvillain.

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