

My cynical nature is like a genetic trait.
Free internet is and should be an essential. Blue Archive is one of the best stories I've ever read, period.

フォロー数:238 フォロワー数:916

"Akudama Drive flew out the gates with blades of glory, only to later on fall hard and flat on its face. With its lack of fleshed out context and deeper characterization to an otherwise gorgeous-looking world, it only does best as popcorn entertainment."


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Did this man just do the Naruto run? LMAO ded af xDDDD https://t.co/eVnZlgYWZt

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Despite having a banger of an ED theme, Taisou Zamurai was probably the most underwhelming show from Fall 2020 for me. The story was just too simplistic and uninspiring and the characters are bland. The dialogue is SO awkward, too. That rushed final stretch didn't help, either.

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If I end up not reviewing Haikyuu and Danmachi due to mental fatigue, then here's the next batch of series up I plan on writing reviews on.

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It's hard for me to say which one is better. Especially when the newer one is still in its early story phases (provided it gets s2)

And I don't have a high ceiling for idol themes for the most part, tbh.

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There's a plethora of reasons why this has stayed my Favorite anime of all-time.

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He is also indeed a man of good taste in women.

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