

Cetaceous Oliphant // she/her/they // an old // please read my comics, my team works so hard on them even tho we're all poor and depressed

フォロー数:150 フォロワー数:208

Opportunities update!
Jack wants to know what's in the food

3 2

Opportunities update!
Sorry, Jack, it still isn't a dream

2 3

Opportunities update!
Padont decides Jack should probably just sleep it off

3 2

Opportunities update!
Jack continues to be obliviously speciesist and get manhandled on the regular

1 1

Opportunities update!
Jack demonstrating that witty banter we've come to expect from him.

5 5

Opportunities update!
Chapter-long action sequences have consequences... For some people.

4 5

Opportunities update!
Jack wakes up in the strangest places

3 5

Opportunities update!
This has been the smooch intermission, we now return you to your regularly scheduled sadness programming

3 3

Opportunities update!
Secret panel! Secret panel! Through the castle!

1 2

Opportunities update!
Just a little dramatic irony and shoving corpses around today

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